Here At Last

Grumpy Old ManWell the CIGN Workshop blog is up and running. It’s only taken me 3 years to get here! My excuse is that I had to find out how to integrate WordPress into the rest of the website and at my age things get forgotten quicker than they get learnt. Now of course the problem is to find engineering type things to blog about. I may of course just have the occasional grumpy old man moment. Please feel free to join in, no no not just the grumpy bit, all comments and ideas are welcome. Any general comments about the site, model engineering or anything else for that matter can be added to this post. If you would like to post something a little longer, contact me either here or there is an e-mail link off the home page menu. Cheers John


  1. Written By: Dave Staples In January 2011

    Found your Blog by chance whilst looking for a review for the wm250 lathe which I read ( excellant ). Has inspired me to take the plunge and ” get invovled ” rather than just think it. Thanks very much for taking the time to create this. Much appreciated.

    Dave Staples ( Gloucestershire ).

  2. Written By: Andy from Workshopshed In February 2011

    Hi John, just found your site because you’d linked across to mine. You’ve some good workshop projects there, I particularly like the milling vice clamps and the flexible work lamps.
    Andy (London)

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