If you have visited before, you will have noticed that the website has undergone a bit of a radical redesign. The old cign.org and journeymans-workshop.uk addresses have been relegated and the new address journeymans-workshop.uk is working for the whole site. No information has been lost during the changeover, well at least I don’t think I’ve lost anything and all the original pages and articles still exist. I have no doubt that there are some errors here and there with the CSS but I will track them down eventually. It is a bit tricky as the CSS is shared by both the static bit of the site and the WordPress bit.
The theme for WordPress is all my own work, alright I admit to using the Underscores starter theme but the rest is all mine! It has taken quite a few weeks to get everything working fairly smoothly, even though I am not using any of the complicated bits of WordPress. Knitting a static site and a blog together is not easy when the little grey cells are not used to thinking code.
The new layout is responsive and should work on phone, tablet, laptop or big screen desktop. Unfortunately to get the old pages to work they needed a bit of tweaking which took quite some time but all is now complete. Some of the original images look a bit small but changing those will take much longer! I have also made a switch from standard HTML pages to PHP which made the integration with WordPress a little easier.
Enjoy the new.
Hi Journeyman, I do like the new site, it is looking very smart and easy to find things. I swapped over to WordPress this year too but have not sorted out my responsiveness just yet.
Thanks for including me in your links.
Hi Andy, thanks for kind comment. I am still fighting off a few gremlins but I think I have most of the little blighters sorted now! I wanted to keep all my old pages so they are still seperate from WordPress although most bits like menus and stylesheets are shared. The responsive bit mainly comes from the theme so provided you choose one that is ready to go (or write your own) it should all fall into place. I have tried Journeyman's Workshop out on my phone and a tablet and it seems OK but it makes for some really long pages when everything is in one narrow column.