Not so much about the physical security of the workshop, which is of course important, but about the protocol change I have made to the website. Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) is the secure version of HTTP, the protocol over which data is sent between your browser and the website that you are connected to. Google have for some time been promoting the use of HTTPS and give securely connected sites higher ranking.
The first thing you need is an SSL certificate, this has the encryption keys for the Secure Socket Layer communication setup. Fortunately even the cheapest 1&1 hosting package includes a basic SSL certificate and all I had to do to implement it was to activate it from the 1&1 control panel. The basic certificate is fine for a simple website but if you are implementing a world wide trading empire you will need to pay for something a bit more advanced.
That was the easy bit, getting the website in order is a little more tricky. To start with any internal links need either to be relative or non protocol specific that is they should look like // and not http// Once this is done the website .htaccess file needs to redirect any calls to HTTPS this is so that all the old links scattered about the interweb end up in the right place. There are several different ways to do this and I just copied the code from the Apache site, the script conventions for these files is way outside my comfort zone! If you need to do this the code that needs to be added looks like this:- <ifmodule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine on
# Begin Force HTTPS
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} !=on
RewriteRule .* https://%{SERVER_NAME}%{REQUEST_URI} [R,L]
# End Force HTTPS
With that done the next major job is to update the WordPress database so that the media links are right. WordPress stores all the links to photos as complete hyperlinks including the HTTP bit so these need changing. The easiest way to do this is with a plugin. I used Better Search Replace which is fairly simple to use and does a dry run before it alters the database. The image to the right shows the browser result when everything works but I put it in to test that the new images are stored with the correct protocol – it seems to work!
Next job is to sort out Google, as you can see I use their ads on the site and it just about pays for the hosting and domain fees. I had to re-write the XML sitemap with the new HTTPS addresses but also had to add the HTTPS version as a new site? I only have one set of files but for reasons best known to themselves Google want each version of the site shown separately. So you end up with:-
Which strikes me as a little odd but it seems to be what they want. Once this is done sit back and wait for Google to crawl everything. It is fairly difficult to check if all is working correctly and you need to keep clearing the browser cache to make sure you are looking at the latest version. Touch wood everything seems to be working. It is interesting to note the number of old links stored on the web, I was going to remove my old and sites but there are still loads of places that have these recorded.
Did I really need to do this – probably not but I learned a bit on the way and in theory my Google ranking should go up for what it′s worth.
Just a quick update, a few months after doing this I checked Google and there was absolutely nothing happening on any of the “sites” other than the so I deleted the other three. Whether this was the right thing to do remains to be seen but I thought it was neater.
Well, this is the first post of 2016 so you may well think that I have been rather idle. You would probably be right but I have been doing a lot of reading about the benefits and mechanics of CNC. I was using the mill and winding the handle for what seemed like hours and thought it would be easier if this was motorised. So I read up on power feeds and that let on to full automation. Whilst there would be a serious learning curve, CNC would without doubt be useful and in the long run quicker.
There are several routes to take: Buy a new CNC mill, Tormach or similar; Convert my existing mill; Get a new mill and convert that or go down the self build router avenue. I quickly decided that a new CNC mill was way out of budget and was initially keen on the router idea and spent some time designing something that coud be built within the limits of my current equipment. Most of the time was taken with remembering how Geomagic Design worked as I don’t use it that often. Converting the current mill I ruled out as it is I think too small and besides I would probably need a mill to modify the mill. Thoughts at present are focussed on buying a new larger mill and converting that. This of course is a decision that might take years!
I have also been tweaking the website a bit. Mainly removing redundant CSS from the stylesheet and altering the menu somewhat. Hopefully I havn’t broken anything. I have also added more links and fixed or removed a few broken ones.
The “Get Windows 10” icon appeared on my desktop some time ago and about a week after the official release date
the upgrade downloaded itself onto the computer. I had played with the preview program on an old laptop so I was aware
that there could be problems so rather than run the upgrade on my main PC I did a trial run on the laptop.
The laptop originally had Windows 7 but then Linux and most recently the Windows 10 Insider Preview. I reloaded Windows 7
from the original recovery discs and used a downloaded ISO on a USB stick to upgrade to
Windows 10. Getting the ISO for the USB was straightforward just go to Download Windows 10,
select 32 or 64 bit and the media creation tool will make a bootable USB drive for you. The upgrade was surprisingly quick
and everything worked first time, the drivers all appeared to work and the serial number
from the old Windows 7 automatically activated the new install. I decided then to do a clean install on the laptop just to
see how that would go.
I formatted the drive and did a clean install from the USB stick. Everything installed first time without difficulty except
for one Intel chip driver which went astray but it was soon found and downloaded. Windows upgrade ran almost at once and found a couple of
updates and that was it. The laptop whilst old is still quite a good spec but I keep it mainly in case the newer desktop
suffers a major outage. I spent some time exploring all the settings which are easy to find from the start menu and quickly
discovered that Windows 10 wants to connect you to the world. Being a bit of a dinosaur I am not keen on “clouds” and
“social media” and being permanently “connected”, so I spent some time switching the modern era off!
Everything appeared in order and I quite like the look and feel of the new Windows so I played with the start menu and set
about customizing that. My version of customizing was basically to remove all the apps and leave just a few useful live
tiles like the weather and news but it is quite easy to add and remove programs. A program is dinosaur speak for an app.
You really do want to check all those option switches though, otherwise you could be supplying the neighbourhood with downloads
via any open WiFi networks about.
A Bit of a Pane
Once happy with the laptop I let the main PC upgrade from it′s downloaded file. I was still a bit wary as this is a slightly
more up to date desktop PC that came with Windows 8 but no media and no “product key”. All the software details are held in firmware (UEFI)
on the motherboard so you can′t do a clean install until an upgrade has been activated, then hopefully the details
are logged on Microsoft′s database somewhere. The upgrade from 8.1 went well and everything was working, all the old programs functioned
the desktop personalizations were all there and I was quite pleased. I was busily disallowing everything when Windows Update found some
new updates. I rebooted…
To cut a long story short No WiFi, well I could see my router but Windows kept saying “Cannot Connect To This Network”.
I can report that the Windows 10 trouble shooter is about as much use as a chocolate teapot, indeed as it was in previous incarnations.
I reloaded drivers searched the web (using the laptop) for updated drivers but nothing
wanted to work. Fortunately the Windows 10 installation had activated so I was semi confident that if I reset the PC it would remain as
a legitimate install. A reset basically leaves all your files and programs intact and reinstalls Windows. I took a deep breath and
pressed the button. The reset took much longer than the upgrade did. Windows came back replete with WiFi and then began the pain of reinstalling
all the programs. The reset doesn′t delete programs from the computer but they are no longer installed. Anyway I had some of the more useful
programs back in place when Windows Update tells me it wants to restart (you can′t turn it off but you can alter when it does restarts).
Reboot and… no WiFi, the air is now turning a somewhat deep shade of blue.
Belated Brainwave
One more go, this time a clean install of Windows 10. Fortunately the computer has an SSD, which I added, for the operating system
and all the programs, data and photos are on another drive. This makes it a little easier as the SSD can be repartitioned
and formatted without losing anything useful. You can probably tell where this is going by now, a clean install of Windows 10 and
everything is working, one update later and the WiFi disappears. I now have no idea how to get this going save a long ethernet cable
up the stairs when the somewhat addled brain remembers that I have an unused USB WiFi adaptor in the workshop. Five minutes
rummaging later I have a TP-Link TL-WN822N 300MBPS WiFi adaptor plugged in and working. There is an upside to this as the TP-Link
adaptor is much faster than the built in Lenovo card and I can now get in the region of 90 Mbits/s over WiFi which aint half bad.
Another hour resetting switches and installing programs and everything is working as it should be.
So eventually with everything back to normal I have checked all my old software and am pleased to report that Geomagic Design works so that
I can produce drawings. XAMPP works so that I can test bits of the website without the need to upload files. I have yet to reinstall Adobe
Photoshop Elements or Premiere Elements as Adobe always loads a stack of unrequired sneaky software that wants to run all the time.
I have been playing with the GIMP which is a free image processing program which seems to do most things I need albeit a little differently. I
usually have a few browsers loaded for testing purposes and the new Microsoft Edge seems to work happily alongside the others although it
hasn′t seen much use yet. Libre Office provides for all my office type needs and works as does Notepad++ which I use for editing the
The Other PC
I have another PC in the workshop which is useful for checking drawings and looking up the odd bit of data when working on a project.
Just to keep all the computers singing from the same songsheet I upgraded this as well. I used the same USB stick to upgrade rather
than a clean install. The workshop PC is connected to the interweb but being some way from the house the WiFi signal has to
crawl across the garden to get there, so the USB was much quicker than downloading about 3GB of data. This was an upgrade from
Windows 7 and everything went smoothly. All my old settings were retained, all the old programs worked even the screen background
and taskbar layout remained as they were in Windows 7. I must say I was quite impressed especially as the WiFi remained working and that′s
how it should have been for my other desktop PC. Still I suppose with a million and one possible variations of hardware, software, drivers amd devices
something is bound to go awry with such a massive worldwide software extravaganza, it’s just annoying that it was on my system.
I still had to spend quite sometime though finding all those switches and disconnecting myself from modernity.
All in all the upgrade was OK spoilt only by the WiFi driver problem, at least I assume it′s a driver I haven′t got
to the bottom of that yet. I expect that at some stage a new driver will appear and the system will connect again but I am not really bothered
as the new WiFi adaptor is much quicker.
My first thoughts on Windows 10 are that it is an improvement over 8.1. I like the style and the return of the start menu suits me much better than the Metro tiles of 8.1. Windows 10 seems stable thus far and my old software works without problem. My only real dislikes are the way it wants to connect and be online all the time and I would like an option to remove the lock and login screens which are a bit unnecessary as I am the only user. Just remember to go through all those option switches (yes, I know I am repeating myself).
Have I turned Cortana on? I think not, I have enough trouble with a mouse and keyboard without the damn thing talking to me.
Not I hasten to add a passing Native American but the server software that empowers a good deal of the interweb. Well the new site has been up for a couple of weeks with no major problems detected. I have however had some trouble trying to implement some of the Google Page Insight suggestions to improve the site speed and efficiency. This is mainly aimed at getting the site in a suitable state to use Google Adsense. As you can see I have put ads on the site and the main hope is that these will generate enough income to pay for the hosting. I don’t anticipate much in the way of posh cars or exotic hoidays!
Cache Control
One of the things suggested is to “Leverage Caching”, what they mean is turn caching on. A bit of reading explains that pages cached locally by your browser make for quicker loading times. Unless told otherwise a browser like Firefox or Chrome will download the page and it’s content fresh every time you want to view it. If you set a few commands in your Apache .htaccess file you can tell browsers to save things locally and use them on subsequent visits to the page. There are a couple of different commands to do this one being Mod_Expires, which basically tells the browser how long to keep a file before downloading a fresh copy The other being Mod_Headers which does a similar job but with more options. I am a complete novice in this area and had to read a lot before I got a rough idea what to do. I think I have things set up with some fairly short term cache directives at the moment until I have finished playing with the site.
Whilst setting directives with the .htaccess file is OK for static files – images, css, script files and the like, it will not work for the php files which are of course generated dynamically. To affect caching for these files I discovered that you need to put a header directive at the top of each file that looks something like < ?php header('Cache-Control: max-age=604800'); ?> which must be the very first line on the page. This tells Apache to send HTML headers that allow caching for up to 7 days. In case you were wondering HTML headers are nothing to do with the page that appears in your browser window, they are rather part of the interchange that goes on transparently between your browser and the server (something else I learnt).
Having got caching sorted the next thing Google suggested was compressing pages using GZIP. Apparently all modern browsers are set up to ask for compressed pages, it’s in those HTML headers. The browser asks the server to send a page and says oh if you have it Gzipped I am quite happy to accept that, thankyou. Apache dutifully replies and if it can, squeezes the page before it goes, thus reducing the amount of data flying over the interweb. By this time I am an expert on rewriting the .htaccess file and duly add some Mod_Deflate instructions that are the standard way of telling Apache to GZIP everything it outputs. A quick test and… Nothing and definitely not ZIP. More reading and it transpires that my hosting company, 1 and 1, do not enable Mod_Deflate on their servers. Scratch head and send e-mail to Tech Support who reply quickly and apologetically saying I can use Zlib. Lots more reading.
Zlib is part of PHP and has, in my view, very poor documentation. Eventually I found out how to enable it using a php.ini file and switched it on. A quick check with Firefox Element Inspector showed that it was working. A more detailed look showed that it was working but the caching headers seemed to have switched themselves off. Now I am confused (it doesn’t take much), looking at Google Page Insights also showed I was getting 404 (page not found) errors, now I am really confused. Turn compression (Zlib) off and everything is working again. I did a few tests just to make sure I wasn’t seeing things but with Zlib on pages, except the home page, were still being served OK but with a 404 response and with the wrong HTML headers. I turned Zlib off and e-mailed Tech Support again, this time they seem to have headed for the hills! A couple of days reading, most of which was way over my head, I found one comment in the PHP documentation that suggested there was some vague bug where if you called Zlib with its standard zlib.output_compression = on it could corrupt headers but if you enabled zlib with a buffer size zlib.output_compression = 4096 it would work. I tried this without much hope but to my surprise it seems to have worked. I now have HTML headers with cache control set, Gzipped output for PHP and no 404 errors. Result!. I still need to sort out compressing CSS and JS but these files are already minified so they are not going to get much smaller.
Whilst fighting Apache’s .htaccess I thought it would be a good idea to add some of the WordPress recommended security fixes. This meant playing with Mod_Rewrite. Now I have used this before and never understood it. as far as I can see Mod_Rewrite uses a language that is entirely written in punctuation marks and makes no sense whatsoever. I therefore resort to the time honoured method of finding something similar on the interweb and tweaking it until it works or explodes completely. This isn’t the best approach as Mod_Rewrite is very powerful and a slight error could have a myriad of unseen consequences. At this moment in time I seem fortuitously to have hit the right buttons. There are many articles regarding WordPress security so I wont go into detail save suggesting
An article in Smashing Magazine and the WordPress Codex.
There is still a slight problem with Google having some spurious links recorded but I think these came about when I was in the process of changing the domain name and I had three seperate domain names all pointing at the same site. Not a good idea, hopefully the duff links will drop off soon. I have no doubt that there are still some gremlins lurking in the works somewhere but they will eventually be tamed as per the Apache.
If you have visited before, you will have noticed that the website has undergone a bit of a radical redesign. The old and addresses have been relegated and the new address is working for the whole site. No information has been lost during the changeover, well at least I don’t think I’ve lost anything and all the original pages and articles still exist. I have no doubt that there are some errors here and there with the CSS but I will track them down eventually. It is a bit tricky as the CSS is shared by both the static bit of the site and the WordPress bit.
The theme for WordPress is all my own work, alright I admit to using the Underscores starter theme but the rest is all mine! It has taken quite a few weeks to get everything working fairly smoothly, even though I am not using any of the complicated bits of WordPress. Knitting a static site and a blog together is not easy when the little grey cells are not used to thinking code.
The new layout is responsive and should work on phone, tablet, laptop or big screen desktop. Unfortunately to get the old pages to work they needed a bit of tweaking which took quite some time but all is now complete. Some of the original images look a bit small but changing those will take much longer! I have also made a switch from standard HTML pages to PHP which made the integration with WordPress a little easier.
I have recently discovered that the latest update of Chrome mobile (Android) seems to have broken the menu system in the Journeyman’s Workshop. Anoying or what! Everything was working fine and if you use Firefox Mobile or Dolphin it still does. I have tried various tweaks but no joy yet. I think this problem may be apparent on the iPad as well but I have no way of checking.
At present the only sure fire way to navigate on a tablet is to use the Sitemap which has direct links to everything and is available at the bottom of every page.